Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Guilt Is Eating Me

Is it possible to consume more than 4000 calories in one day and not feel guilty? The morning began with my dear sweet husband making Swedish pancakes topped with blueberries & syrup - the kids' favorite breakfast. Then, nearly forgetting about lunch, I decided to do something quick and easy - chicken nuggets for the kids and Costco Pizza for Jeremy and myself. Ironically, we all had a 100-Calorie Pack for snack in the afternoon too. After a long trip to the grocery store, I decided that I did not want to cook dinner so I quickly grabbed a Little Ceasar's pizza. Now, today is my neice's 4th birthday and because we couldn't be there with her in Ontario we wanted to celebrate with some home-made guessed it...BANANA SPLITS! The kids LOVED making them. I turned my back for one second and Maya had already dumped the entire liquid contents of the cherries into her bowl. She topped it off with even more of chocolate and caramel syrups. That girl LOVES sugar! I had to help Declan make his so that is why it does not look as messy as Maya's. In the end, Maya didn't like the look or texture of her liquidy-split so she traded with her brother. Declan didn't seem to mind at first but after eating the banana, he ended up dumping the whole bowl of COLD ICE-CREAM SOUP all over his lap. If he could speak, I'm sure he would have said "Sloppy seconds just aint my style sista!"

So, to compensate for the over-indugences today, I capped the night by steam-cleaning the living-room carpet. I moved ALL of the living room furniture into the kitchen just so I could do a thorough job. It is a great way to multitask.....clean the floors while getting a work-out. My arms are pretty sore from dragging that titanic machine across the floor and I am pretty certain that my back will be aching when I wake-up in the morning. In the end, it turned out to be a fun yet productive Saturday.

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