Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Slowly Working Through Things

With the economy in a slump, it is clear now that this will not just be a transition house for us as we had originally had intended when we bought it almost 2 years ago. With that in mind, we have decided to use colors that we believe to be more homey for us instead of sale-worthy. I remembered that we did not use a whole can of paint in Maya's room because it was tinted too light (almost white) so I went to Lowes and asked if they could add another color to the existing one. I was thrilled that they matched the color almost perfectly and that it was free of charge because I had already purchased the paint there a couple of years ago. I picked up some accessories and redecorated our guest bathroom. When we moved in, we painted it a very light grayish blue and now it is a beautiful tan color. I still have some curtains I wish to add above the vanity but for now, this is how it looks...(and all for just $28).



Over these past few months I have been itching to get back to work. I am currently looking for employment - even in this tough economy - but I know that we will be okay regardless of my job situation because Jeremy is such a great worker and his firm loves him. That said, we continue to pray that more projects are brought into his company soon. The building industry has been hit pretty hard and when that happens, it just trickles down the line from the Developer to the Architect, and yes to the Structural Engineer. Things are slow for a lot of industries right now so we are thankful that Jeremy still has his job. If I find a job, the kids will be going into full time childcare. Maya can be in a preschool program right now and Declan can enrole in preschool in November. It is so hard to believe my babies are at that age! We are working through all of these changes and pray that God continues to provide and steer us in the right direction.

And one last thing. Many of you are probably wondering what the link is all about on the top of my Blog. Well, I manage my own shop on My shop can be found at . I have different handmade and vintage products for sale so please check it out. It is a great site that allows regular people the chance to sell their items for a great price. I love it because most of what I buy on Etsy is one-of-a-kind. I just recently purchased a skirt for Maya that I just have to show-off. She looks so cute in it...


Glenda said...

I can imagine that the bathroom is very cozy. I love the pictures that you have on there and I think that the curtains will just add to it.

That's a nice big flower that Maya has in her hair! She's so pretty anything looks good on her. You can use her as your model (which you have already). Good training for the future....Ha!

Sarah Ondracek said...

I love the color in your bathroom. I've been busy painting too with turning our spare room into another baby's room. You'll have to see it soon;) Once I get motivate to start painting, I really enjoy it because it's always such a drastic change when you are done. Who doesn't love instant gratification? ;-)

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