Friday, May 15, 2009

Learning From The Little People

I published a blog yesterday before thinking it through. In it I rambled on about the trying day I had with the kids. Thankfully I came to my senses and deleted it just minutes after publishing it. You see, we all have our trying times. We all have moments of complete madness and stress but I did not want to portray my kids to be something worse than what they are. Kids are kids. They will do things that get to us sometimes and turn us into a monster mom, but we have to remember that they are gifts from God. They are precious beings who need our love and understanding above all chaos.

When Maya woke-up this morning, I expressed to her how sorry I was for yelling at her yesterday and giving her so many time-outs.

Me: "Maya, mommy is really sorry for getting mad yesterday. Do you forgive me?"
Maya: "It's okay mommy. I'm sorry for pushing Dequin."

In her eyes, the only thing she did wrong yesterday was push her brother. In my eyes (yesterday) she did EVERYTHING wrong. Have you ever sat back and tried to understand your toddler? Does she/he hit to get attention? Does she/he yell because you are yelling? Does she/he understand what sharing means or what dangerous means? I am trying my hardest to understand my children, to try and see the world on their level. I have realized that the last month or so has been extremely hard on me because now I have two children in the terrible two's stage. Declan is just 18 months old but he is learning all the traits of his sister. So you can imagine how tired and emotional I have been over the last month or so. Jeremy and I have decided that it is time to start educating ourselves on toddler behavior and on parenting in a loving way. Why? Because it is evident that "Eat your broccoli or you'll go to bed early" just doesn't seem to work anymore.

So I will leave you with this bit of information. Miss Maya learned how to scale the toddler gate at the top of our stairs. I suppose I should warn the nursery leaders at church that we have an expert escape artist on our hands.

(November 25, 2007 - Declan's Dedication - when the kids were still babies.)


Glenda said...

I love this picture. Be patient - someday you will look back at this and laugh and so will Maya. She is a miniature you. Imagine what I went through. Just kidding. I don't even remember it now. How's that for forgetting? HA!

Love you all,

Sarah Ondracek said...

We learn so much from our little people, you're right! Motherhood is challenging and rewarding all at the same time, isn't it? God knew you were more than capable when he gave you Maya and Declan:)