Thursday, April 29, 2010

Crushes and Kisses

Today was the second time that Maya has mentioned a boy from her class (from Bible Study) has thrown a ball at her. At first I passed it off as tattling, but today I found out from this boy's mother that he has been trying to sit next to Maya in class because "she is pretty." I was taken aback. Could my daughter be experiencing the beginning of boys crushing on her? I can now identify from looking back on my own childhood that boys do silly things to get girls attention. Could this be the reason why Maya keeps getting hit in the head with a ball? If so, I might need to teach her some blocking or perhaps batting techniques.

This afternoon, I took the kids to the park near our house and just as we were leaving, an older girl ran over to Maya shouting "Oh I forgot to give you a hug!" So with her bicycle helmet on her head and her jacket in her hand, Maya reached out to offer a one armed hug only to follow it up with two puckered lips ready to be kissed. To which the little girl responded "Sorry, I don't kiss girls!" Needless to say, I spent the whole walk home explaining to Maya the reason why she should not offer kisses so freely, especially to girls.

We leave a week from today to head up north to my homeland. This vacation is greatly needed but sometimes I find myself biting my nails over the thought of a 21 hour car-ride with two toddlers. We are already equipped with two portable DVD players and two bags of new toys and snacks, but there is still something telling me that this is not going to be as simple as it seems. In any case, it's a family vacation and what's a vacation without a little stress right?!

We may be bald by the time we get there but we'll see you soon Alberta!

(Here are a couple of pictures of the kids playing on their new play-structure in our backyard.)
(A play date at our house: Crazy Hair Day...)
(I straightened Maya's hair and here she is modeling it.)

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Oh that is so precious.....having crushes at such a young age. The poor babies don't even know what it means. You might want to tie them a little tighter to your apron strings. They are going to be heartbreakers! Hoping that your trip goes smoothly. Praying for a safe arrival for you. Now I need to pray that everyone stays sane! Love to all!
