Friday, March 19, 2010

Afraid to Admit It, But I Must!

It is easy for us to point the finger at the preschools or church nurseries where we bring our children. It is easy for us to make snap judgements at how clean the toys are at these places and how healthy (or unhealthy) the other kids are. But when was the last time we looked in our own home for germs or growing bacteria? I will be the first to admit that it has been a very long time since I have actually cleaned our kids' toys. To be honest, I was better at this when the kids were babies than I am now. I could blame it on the fact that there are more toys in the house now, or I could just eat my words and face the fact that I have not lived up to my mothering duties. Now, if you have a squeamish stomach, you may want to stop reading this right now because what I am about to show you is the hidden dirt and germs that harbor on toys. This is a picture of our bathtub after I cleaned all of the non-electronic toys with bleach...

So needless to say, we all have to do our part. Not just the churches or the schools or the play centers. Good Health starts in our own home.


Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing this Tammy!

It's been a long time since I have cleaned Georgia's toys as well. What did you do, just pile them all in the tub and add bleach to the water?

Tammy Williams said...

Yes. I also scrubbed them a little and the rinsed them off.

Sally said...

Wow... I am so guilty of this...

Glenda said...

If it makes you feel better, I hear that you have to eat a pound of dirt before you die. Then again, maybe we have all eaten our pound already (or more). HA! Glad to know that you are keeping things clean. But I have to say this...."You're so anal!" Had to say it. Right back at ya!