Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"I want this book," she said as she jumped into bed with the biggest (and longest) storybook in the house. "I want to read it first and then you can."
"But that will take a long time sweetie!" came my response as I tried stifling a yawn.
"No it won't mommy. It will only take a hundred hours."

This is how it feels as a mom in this house. Every game of Duck, Duck, Goose and Hide-n-Seek seems to take a hundred hours, at least until I look at the clock and only five minutes have gone by. After a successful week of eliminating the television from our list of daily activities, the children are more accepting of play-time now, a concept that was quite frankly lost for some time. The children seem to play nicely together now, value each other's opinions more (as much as any 2 and 3 yr old can), but my job as a mother has done a 180. My days of working on the computer have gone out the window, my private time has been taken from me, and I am lucky if I manage to find time to take a shower. With only one child napping now, it is a whole new ball game.

On the bright side, we are entering our 7th dry night with Miss Maya. Once this was a distant dream, after all she has been potty trained since she was 22 months. Wow, now that I say that out loud I am astonished that it has taken me 20 months to start her night-time training. She is almost 3 1/2 so I am very thankful to have this milestone behind us. Her brother is not far behind. Declan loves to go potty but I have been postponing his training because I was simply trying to focus on Maya's night-time training. I have already purchased the M&M's so now he just has to earn them.

Can we add any more transitions to our lives right now?


Glenda said...

Transition? Yeah.....have another baby! HAAAAA....I'm joking. Great blog, but I'm disappointed because there are no pictures. Boo Hoo! You are doing a great job as a mother! It must be great to have Maya trained. Pretty soon no more pampers/pullups to buy!

Sarah Ondracek said...

How is your head not spinning off?