Saturday, March 20, 2010

Six Things About Tammy

My friend Beth tagged me to write six things about myself so here it goes:

1. I was born in Sarnia, Ontario - a border city for Canada and the USA. I often joke that if my mom had been a little further south when she went into labor, I would actually be American like the rest of my new family. That said, I am a Canadian married to an American with CanAmerican children.

2. My first job was being a clown over the Halloween season at Woolco (which was later bought out by Walmart). I walked through the store for 2-3 hours handing out candy to kids. Most of the time, though, I would just give the candy to the workers who would stop and talk to me.
3. I was a very BLOND little girl. Here is a picture of me and my sister Dayna when we were little...
4. My husband and I will be braving the storm, so to speak, by taking the kids on their first real road trip to Canada in May. We are heading up there to visit my dad on his farm just an hour outside Edmonton, Alberta. I am really looking forward to showing Jeremy and the kids my old stomping grounds. (If any of my Edmonton friends are reading this, please let me know if you will be in town at the beginning of May so we can possibly stop by to say Hi).
5. When I was little, I wanted to grow up and be everything from a doctor to a chemist to a fashion designer. In my college years I thought that the only way I could be everything I wanted to be is if I became an actress and played out these careers on stage or on film. So I decided to minor in Drama.
6. Being a mom has changed my life. It is hard for me to think about myself anymore because my children (and husband of course) take over my mind. I am constantly trying to make sure they have cute clothes to wear and yet when I look in the mirror before heading out the door, there is no evidence that I once longed to be a fashion designer. I focus on providing an appropriate amount of fruits and vegetables for the kids, but fall short sometimes when I feed myself. I try to choose my words carefully when I am around the kids, but manage to embarrass myself when talking to adults. I call it the Toddler Controlled Mommy Talk Syndrome (also knows as: TCMT)....
....and this post has been brought to you by the number 6 and the letter T.


Glenda said...

There are so many more things that you could have said about yourself, like all the awards you've one for your artwork, your singing and the awards at music camp. The fact that you used to embarrass me when you were little by the things you would say - innocently of course. And what about painting rocks and selling them door to door. Maybe that list should have been "25 things about me." Heeeeee. Love you!

Glenda said...

Maybe I should write 6 things about not being able to spell. That last comment should be....the awards that you've WON, not ONE. Me bad!!!!

Sarah Ondracek said...

I learned #1 and #5 about you;)